
Where should my data and software go on Bunya

Bunya has several spaces users have access to to keep their data and software.

Spaces available by default for every user

The spaces below are individual spaces. This means, by default, they are only accessible by the user who this space belongs to. These spaces should NOT be shared with any other users. If a shared space is required please see further below in the section on shared spaces.



Checking quotas and usage in /home and /scratch

Users can use the command rquota on Bunya to check their current quotas and usage. It provides quotas and usage for /home, /scratch/user and /scratch/project (more information below) they have access too.


Shared spaces, often require an application


Scratch projects are shared spaces in /scratch that provide more space and space that is shared by members of a group.

How scratch projects work

Scratch projects require an access group. This can be an RDM storeage record access group (QNNNN) or a specific access group created by RCC for the scratch project. Users, not RCC, manage the access groups either via the RDM portal for QNNNN groups, or via the QRIScloud Portal.

For RDM storage record access groups (QNNNN) the RDM storage record owner add users as collaborators to the RDM storeage recrod via the RDM portal. For QRIScloud access groups, the group owner or administrator needs to go to the QRIScloud Portal and click on Account to log in. Tnen they need to go to Services Dashboard and there look under Groups for the respective Scratch Project group and click on the link. THis page outlines how to add and remove users from the access group for the proejct.

New users added either way will have to wait for this to take affect as permissions set in the RDM portal need to be propagated to Bunya. In both case user should create a new login to Bunya to have new groups available in their environment. Users can check which groups they belong to by typing the command groups on Bunya.

Users in the access group who also have access to Bunya will have access to the scratch project on Bunya. They have read-write access to the scratch project directory. However, directories and files created by other scratch project members in the scratch project directories are only readable (and executable) but not writable (cannot be deleted for files, cannot be written to for directories) to others.

In the below example:

chmod -R g+w directory-1
where -R means that this is run recursively for all subdirectories and files
g+w adds write permissions to the group.

drwxr-sr-x.  2 user-1 Project_Access_Group        4K Feb  1 19:08 directory-1
drwxrwsr-x.  2 user-2 Project_Access_Group        4K Oct  9 2023  directory-2
-rw-r--r--.  1 user-1 Project_Access_Group        6M Mar 25 13:54 file-1
-rw-rw-r--.  1 user-2 Project_Access_Group        6M Mar 25 13:54 file-2
-rwxr-xr-x.  1 user-1 Project_Access_Group        6M Mar  8 14:01 executable-1
-rwxrwxr-x.  1 user-2 Project_Access_Group        6M Mar  8 14:01 executable-2


The RDM User Guides provide a lot of information about RDM research records and RDM storage records and how to use and administer these.

RDM storage records, where users selected that the data should be available on HPC when they have applied for the RDM storage record (it cannot be changed afterwards), are automatically available on Bunya in /QRISdata/QNNNN, where QNNNN is the storage record number and can be found as part of the short identifier for the RDM storage record.

How /QRISdata works

The /QRISdata filesystem provides access from Bunya to UQ RDM collections (as well as a smaller number of collections that predate UQ RDM).

The storage technology behind /QRISdata consists of multiple layers of storage, and software that manages the copies of your data within those multiple layers. There are also active links to other caches at St Lucia campus that allow you to drag and drop your file onto the St Lucia R:\ drive and have it appear automatically at the remote computer centre that houses Bunya and the RDM Q collections.

Layer Purpose Response Time
GPFS Cache Used for intersite transfers and is mounted onto Bunya HPC Immediate once mounted onto Bunya
Zero Watt Storage (ZWS) Disk drives that operate like tapes. Only powered on when required. <1 minute to activate a read from off
Robotic Tape Silo Deep archive copies Can take several minutes to commence reading

The hierarchical storage management (HSM) software will move files downwards when they are not in active use in the top layer. If a file is required, but is not in the top layer, then it will be recalled from ZWS, or tape and copied into place on the GPFS Cache layer.

How can I check if my files are in the top layer?

On a compute node via an onBunya or interactive batch job

Use ls -salh FILEPATH

The output contains the size-occupied-on-disk in the first column and the actual-size in column 6

#This one is in the GPFS cache layer (size on disk matches actual size)
[uquser@bun104 Q0837]$ ls -salh Training.tar
367M -rw-r--r--+ 1 uquser   Q0837RW 367M Oct 30  2023 Training.tar

#This one is in the GPFS cache layer too but the size on disk is actually bigger because files occupy at least one block (512)
[uquser@bun104 Q0837]$ ls -salh Readme.md
512 -rw-rw----+ 1 Q0837 Q0837RW 1 Sep 13  2023 Readme.md

#This one is not in GPFS cache (zero on disk but the actual filesize is 1.7MB)
[uquser@bun104 Q0837]$ ls -salh .LDAUtype1.tgz
0 -rw-rw----+ 1 Q0837 Q0837RW 1.7M Dec 16  2019 .LDAUtype1.tgz

How can I force a recall of my file from the lower layer(s)?

On a compute node via an onBunya or interactive batch job

Use /usr/local/bin/recall_medici FILEPATH Wildcards are also supported.

The recall_medici command is also available on data.qriscloud.org.au if you don’t have access to Bunya.

Why does it sometimes take longer to connect to my RDM from Bunya?

At a time between 20 past and 40 past the hour at the hours of 08, 12, 16, and 22, access to the RDMs from Bunya can be delayed. It happens while the service access controls are being updated. Access can appear non-responsive for a few minutes. Best to wait 5 minutes and try again.