
MPI calculations should be started with srun as using mpirun (and similar) does not work and can produce some unexpected and undesired behaviour. Therefore the salloc and the srun part need to be done seperately for interactive MPI jobs.

Please note that interactive MPI should be restricted to a single node and that multi node testing can be done via the debug partition.

First, the resources need to be requested via salloc:

salloc --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=96 --ntasks-per-core=1 --ntasks=96 --mem=500G --job-name=MPI-test --time=05:00:00 --partition=general --qos=normal --account=AccountString

Resources should be modified to be appropriate for your job as the example is asking for a full node on Bunya. It is important to keep --ntasks-per-core=1. Only ever change this if you know exactly what you are doing and how to combine MPI with OpenMP.

The salloc command will assign resources only, it will NOT get you to a compute node, you are still on one of the login nodes at this stage. To check you can always type hostname and if it comes back with bunya1, bunya2, or bunya3 you are still on a login node. To actually start the job and get to a compute node you need to load any needed modules first and then use srun.

srun --ntasks=[number up to 96] --export=ALL executable < input> output

You can use any number of cores you need up to the full 96 you requested via salloc. You need the --export=ALL to export the environment with the loaded modules to the job. The --export=ALL will only work for the general and debug partition as its nodes have a similar environment and module path to the login nodes. The GPU nodes are different and you might need to use the --export flag to export a long list of variables. None of this has been tested on any of the GPU nodes.

Executing the srun command will start the job. Once it is done or crashed you get your prompt back but you are still in the salloc allocation, so you are able to submit more under that allocation. To exit and release the job allocation type exit.

So please be very mindful that you are doing a 2 step process here, asking for an allocation (salloc) and then using that allocation for a calculation (srun).