Dated March 2024
In below clauses:
“UQ” refers to the University of Queensland.
“Management Portal” refers to QRIScloud,
“RCC” refers to the University of Queensland Research Computing Centre.
“QCIF” refers to Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation.
“Bunya” refers to University of Queensland High Performance Computing Cluster Bunya.
1) Accounting groups enable reporting on Bunya resource usage of a research group, research scheme or research centre. Accounting groups enable reporting on Bunya resource usage of UQ organisational units and QCIF institutions as accounting groups are linked to UQ organisational units and QCIF institutions.
2) Every Bunya user must be a member of an accounting group.
3) Every Slurm (job) submission on Bunya must use an accounting string which is associated with an accounting group. This usage of mandatory accounting strings enables the aggregated reporting of Bunya resources used in Slurm jobs submitted by a group and/or organisational unit or institution.
4) Accounting groups must have an accounting group owner. Accounting groups may have more than one accounting group owner.
5) Accounting group owners must be full time employed and paid staff at UQ or a QCIF institution. Adjunct, honorary or emeritus positions are not eligible to be an accounting group owner.
6) Accounting group owners must be employed in an independent position. Postdoctoral research fellows do not qualify unless they can show independent funding.
7) Research group leaders, scheme managers, research theme managers or centre directors should be accounting group owners.
8) Accounting group owners do not need a Bunya user account.
9) Accounting groups for individual researchers or very small groups, <3 Bunya users, should be avoided. Bunya users and respective accounting group owners will be encouraged to join other accounting groups.
10) Accounting group owners administer which Bunya users are members of their accounting group via the Management Portal.
11) Accounting group owners must have a Management Portal account. Accounting group owners are asked to create a Management Portal account if they do not have one when the accounting group is set up. If the accounting group owner does not create a Management Portal account within 3 months, RCC may disable the accounting group.
12) Accounting group owners endorse a Bunya user when they add the Bunya user to the accounting group. The accounting group owner confirms that they know the Bunya user and that the Bunya user has legitimate UQ and/or QCIF research that requires the access to Bunya resources.
13) Accounting group owners should only add a Bunya user as member to their accounting group in line with the Bunya User Operational Procedure (
14) Accounting group owners take on the responsibility that their group, and each member who is a Bunya user consumes Bunya resources for UQ and/or QCIF research only.
15) RCC will only add a user or Bunya user as a member to an accounting group after a direct written request or direct written confirmation from the accounting group owner.
16) Accounting group owners take on the responsibility to remove any Bunya user member of their accounting who should no longer consume Bunya resources under their accounting group and under the Bunya User Operational Procedure (
17) RCC requires a direct written request from the accounting group owner to remove a Bunya user membership from an accounting group.
18) RCC may remove a Bunya user membership from an accounting group when the Bunya user does not comply with the Bunya User Operational Procedure ( RCC will inform the accounting group owner.
19) Accounting group owners can change the role of accounting group members in the accounting group. Roles are standard and administrator.
20) Accounting group administrators can add and remove standard accounting group members from the accounting group. Accounting group administrators cannot change the role of members in the accounting group.
21) Accounting group owners can appoint one or more accounting group administrators.
22) Accounting group administrators do not need an account on Bunya. Accounting group administrators must have a Management Portal account.
23) There is no restriction on who can be an accounting group administrator. Students and professional administration staff can be appointed as an accounting group administrator by the accounting group owner.
24) The accounting group owner is responsible to inform accounting group administrators of the Accounting Group Policy when the accounting group owner appoints a new accounting group administrator.
25) New Bunya users are instructed to contact the accounting group administrator(s) of an accounting group to give them the accounting string for Slurm job submission and to add the new Bunya user as a standard member to the accounting group. Bunya users should be added as a standard member to the accounting group in line with the Bunya User Operational Procedure ( If the accounting group does not have an accounting group administrator, then new Bunya users are instructed to contact the accounting group owner.
26) Accounting group administrators take on the responsibility to add new Bunya users as standard members to the accounting group and to remove Bunya users who should no longer consume Bunya resources under the accounting group. This should be done in consultation with the accounting group owner. The final decision and responsibility of Bunya users and members in an accounting group rests with the accounting group owner.
27) Bunya users should not be a member of more than one accounting group.
28) Bunya users may only be a member of more than one accounting group if directly required by their position (split position).
29) Accounting group members who are not Bunya users may be a member of more than one accounting group. This enables administrators of schools, centres or groups to act as accounting group administrators of more than one accounting group if required.
30) Accounting group owners must not be accounting group owner of more than one accounting group.
31) Additional accounting group owners can only be appointed in consultation with RCC.
32) An accounting group owner can only be changed by RCC.
33) Accounting group owners must notify RCC of any change in their contact details or employment status within 7 days of the change.
34) Being a member of an accounting group does not enable access to Bunya. A Bunya Access Application and completion of two agreements is required for any accounting group member needing access to Bunya.