
Accounting Group and Administration

Accounting group policy

Accounting group owners and administrators should read and consult the Accounting Group Policy.

Accounting groups

Every Bunya user is required to be in a Bunya accounting group and every Bunya user should be in one accounting group only.

Bunya users are usually added to accounting groups by their supervisor, group leader or group’s administrator.

Accounting group owners/administrators endorse a Bunya user when they add the Bunya user to the accounting group. The accounting group owner/administrators confirm that they know the Bunya user and that the Bunya user has legitimate UQ and/or QCIF research that requires the access to Bunya resources. 

Accounting group owners take on the responsibility that their group, and each member who is a Bunya user consumes Bunya resources for UQ and/or QCIF research only.  

Accounting group owners/administrators take on the responsibility to remove any Bunya user member of their accounting who should no longer consume Bunya resources under their accounting group. 

Users then need to use the associated accounting string to use with the --account=AccountString option when submitting jobs on Bunya.

All accounting strings start with a_.

Finding accounting strings

Once a Bunya user has been added to an accounting group they should start a new login to Bunya and type the command groups on the command line. The accounting string is the one starting with a_.

New Bunya users in accounting groups are added once an hour to Slurm on Bunya, so it might take about 1 hour before a Bunya user can successfully submit a job on Bunya after being added to an accounting group.

Accounting group owner and administrators can find the AccounString on the accounting group page in qriscloud.org.au (see below for instructions).


Accounting group owners and accounting group administrators can add users to and remove users from the accounting group.

Accounting group owners can add users as administrators to the accounting group.

1) Go to https://www.qriscloud.org.au/ and click on Account to log in 2) Click on Services Dashboard 3) Under Groups find the relevant accounting group, then click on the group’s link 4) This pages gives instructions on how to add users and administrators to the accounting group and remove users from the accounting group. 5) This page also shows the AccountString